How to Donate to BAND Against Bullying

Thank you for joining us in the BAND Against Bullying. We have banded together to raise community awareness, raise funds by creating an inter-school arts competition, and thus grow the arts within schools. The collaboration between the community and participants has provided BAND Against Bullying with an overwhelming level of support to raise awareness regarding the issues that schools and students face related to bullying. It has helped raise funds for the participating schools to promote anti-bullying awareness.

Donate to BAND Against Bullying

If making donation by check, please send to:
BAND Against Bullying
East Amherst, NY 14051

If you are interested in becoming one of our exclusive sponsers please CONTACT US.

Sponsorship Levels

Sponsership Levels


M&T Bank WNED Buffalo Toronto Public Media
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How to Donate to BAND Against Bullying