Event & Performances

The Event

Each participating school selects a group of students to perform an act at the event which incorporates multiple forms of art (i.e. music, drama, spoken word, dance) to create the most dynamic illustration of Dignity Awareness. The final event is an incredible illustration of talent, collaboration and creativity. Each act in the competition is always a winner by simply participating in this event!


In Person Event

Tickets to attend the event are only $5.
Cameras are allowed and encouraged at the event (please no flash photography which can distract the performers).
Refreshments and merchandise will be available for purchase, and bullying prevention resources will be provided.


Judges and Scoring

The acts will be scored by a panel of celebrity judges that will be announced through social media prior to the event! A scoring rubric will be used by the judges at the final competition. The criteria is as follows:

Overall Performance & Originality

How entertaining and engaging was the act? Did the performance flow and have a definite beginning and end? Did the students create a thoughtful, creative, innovative, and independent act?

Dignity Theme

Was acceptance and respect for others demonstrated? Was Caring for others in all areas of life exemplified? Was it illustrated with poise and self-respect without making fun of the message? Does the act incorporate the concept of a safe and supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying on school property, a school bus and/or at a school function?

Bullying Prevention

Did the act call attention to the prevention of bullying? Does the act recognize the need for change and deterrence? Was there a sensitivity or celebration of diversity, including but not limited to: race/ethnicity, physical appearance, religion, mental or physical abilities, sexual orientation or gender identity?


Ability to work as a team cooperatively. Working jointly with others to communicate all messages and deliver them clearly and effectively. 


The BAND Against Bullying team would like to stress the importance of creating awareness and promoting “All Needs for Dignity.” It is not about winning or losing. Treat others the way you would like to be treated – harmoniously, with dignity, respect, and kindness, free of any discrimination, intimidation, harassment, taunting, or bullying. With that being said, everyone who participates in the event is a winner but the trophy will be awarded to the highest scoring act of the evening!